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Boston Symphony musicians to perform in Lexington

Lexington Minuteman

Boston Symphony musicians to perform in Lexington
Sat Oct 03, 2009, 06:15 AM EDT

Lexington – The compositions of Lexington composer Hayg Boyadjian will
be featured at a concert Monday, Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m. at First Parish
Church, 7 Harrington Road.

The concert is free, but donations are welcomed. A reception will
follow the concert.

The program will present three works of Boyadjian: `Lumiere Noir’ for
double bass and flute, `Odessas 1-13′ (birthday pieces for the
composer’s granddaughter Odessa) for piano, `and De Profundis,’ a
three-song cycle on German text for soprano and piano that will make
its U.S. premiere.

Two musicians from the Boston Symphony Orchestra will be featured:
principal double bassist Edwin Barker and former principal flutist
Doriot Anthony Dwyer.

Also performing will be John McDonald, pianist director of Graduate
Music Studies at Tufts University; soprano Jodi Hitzhusen and pianist
Karen Sauer from the faculty at Wellesley College.

Barker is an associate professor at the Boston University College of
Fine Arts. He has recorded and premiered a number of works featuring
the double bass in chamber music and concerto.

Barker has given the premieres of concertos by composers James
Yannatos of Harvard University, Theodore Antoniou of Boston University
and Gunther Schuller, past president of the New England Conservatory,
among others.

Two years ago he premiered John Harrison’s `Concerto for Bass Viol and
Orchestra’ at Tanglewood with the Boston Symphony.

Dwyer was principal flutist, and the first woman principal, of the
Boston Symphony for 38 years before retiring in 1990. Like Barker she
has also premiered works written for her such as `Halel’ by Leonard
Bernstein, and a concerto by Ellen Taafe Zwilich, among others.

Boyadjian, a longtime resident of Lexington, is a composer whose works
are performed internationally. A number of his chamber and orchestral
works are on recordings.

His `Armenian Suite,’ based on Armenian folk melodies, is due
ncludes several of his orchestral compositions.

Chakhmakhchian Vatche:
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