Armenia orchestra plans December show in Tehran

Armenia orchestra plans December show in Tehran
Sat, 03 Oct 2009 14:56:06 GMT
The Youth Orchestra of Armenia, conducted by Sergey Smbatyan, has
scheduled a show in the Iranian capital, Tehran, to perform classical

Accompanied by internationally-acclaimed Iranian pianist Mahyar
Moradi, the orchestra will present pieces by the world’s most famous
composers such as Tchaikovsky and Dvorak.

The concert, which is organized by the Armenian embassy in Tehran and
Iran’s culture ministry, will be held in December 2009, Fars News
Agency reported.

The Youth Orchestra of Armenia had previously visited Iran in July
2009, when it held concerts at Tehran’s Vahdat Hall.

The orchestra comprises of over 70 musicians, who are between the ages
of 16 and 24 and are also students of the Yerevan State Conservatory.



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