Document Shows Rejected Mosaddeq’s Outreach To United States And Ame

By Wayne Madsen

Online Journal
Oct 2, 2009, 00:18

(WMR) — With the United States and United Kingdom stating they are
committed to diplomacy with Iran over its nuclear power program,
but also refusing to rule out military action even as Israel pushed
for such action, WMR has obtained a formerly Top Secret Supplement
to a CIA Current Intelligence Digest that shows past US-UK collusion
to overthrow Iran’s government.

The document’s contents reveal that Washington and London have
conspired for several decades to undermine Iranian governments
not held in favor by either country. The comments suggesting the
"surprise" of President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and British Foreign Secretary
David Miliband over Iran’s communiqué to the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) that it was building a second uranium enrichment
facility indicate that Washington and London continue to conspire
against Tehran.

The May 1, 1952, document states that Iran’s nationalistic and
democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq reached
out to the United States to sell it oil after he nationalized the
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) in March 1951. However, the CIA,
acting in concert with the British, launched Operation Ajax to
overthrow Mosaddeq and placed Kermit Roosevelt, Jr., the grandson of
President Theodore Roosevelt, in charge of the clandestine mission.

On August 19, 1953, military forces loyal to Shah Mohammed Reza
Pahlavi, attacked the prime minister’s residence and arrested
Mosaddeq. The Iranian prime minister was placed in solitary confinement
for three years and remained under house arrest until his death
in 1967. Under the tyrannical Shah, Iran became a vassal state of
American and British intelligence and oil companies.

The formerly Top Secret CIA document states that Mosaddeq urged
President Dwight Eisenhower to buy Ira d not realize that Washington
was actively trying to overthrow him in a coup. The document states:
"Prime Minister Mosaddeq sent an urgent message to Ambassador Henderson
on 27 April asking him to buy oil stored at Abadan. HIs emissary
suggested that the purchases might induce Britain to change its
attitude on the oil settlement. He inquired if an intensive Iranian
propaganda attack on the United States would convince America of the
serious consequences of its refusal to give Iran financial aid."

Ambassador Loy Henderson’s ploy, concocted with CIA director Allen
Dulles, was to refuse Mosaddeq assistance and push him toward the
Soviet Union, giving the United States and Britain a reason to launch
their coup d’état. Henderson was a noted anti-Soviet diplomat but
also opposed the establishment of the State of Israel and was a
noted anti-Zionist.

The CIA document continues, "Ambassador Henderson suggests that
when Mosaddeq becomes absolutely convinced that there is no chance
of getting financial aid from the United States and when he finds
his government tottering he might well ‘in his anger and despair,’
make gestures toward the USSR." The final sentence is redacted.

However, Mosaddeq, although a nationalist, was a monarchist and
he opposed the influence of the Iranian Communist (Tudeh) Party,
the ancestors of the modern-day Mojaheddin-e-Khalq, the favorite
Iranian exile group of American neoconservatives like Michael Ledeen
and Richard Perle.

Among the CIA officers present in Tehran intermittently from 1951
to 1953 to assist in the coup were Richard Helms, a later director
of the CIA; H. Norman Schwarzkopf, the father of the Desert Storm
commander with the same name; Vernon Walters, later the deputy
director of the CIA; Averell Harriman, former New York Democratic
Governor and Prescott Bush’s partner at Brown Brothers Harriman &
Company, a financier of Nazi German businesses during World War II;
Walter Levy, CIA oil expert; CIA coup engineer Howard "Rocky" Stone;
Roy Palmer; George Barbis; worked alongside New York Times reporter and
CIA non-official cover agent Kenneth Love in distributing anti-Mosaddeq
leaflets in Tehran.

Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report.

Copyright © 2009 WayneMadenReport.comWayne Madsen is a Washington,
DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed
columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report
(subscription required).