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Making Concessions To Turkey Senseless


06.10.2009 12:58 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Vice President of the Union of Armenians of Russia
Gegham Khalatyan said his negative attitude about the Armenian-Turkish
protocols is conditioned by the RA authorities inability to give an
intelligible explanation of their policy.

"It’s absurd to say that the protocols contain no preconditions. For
me, each provision in the document is a condition. Although there
is no direct mention of Karabakh, Genocide and Treaty of Kars,
there are provisions obliging Armenia to resolve these problems,"
he said. "If both sides realize the importance of establishment of
diplomatic relations and opening of the border, the process should
not imply any concessions."

"Certainly, Armenia would benefit by acquiring extra transit
routes. But opening of the border is an ephemeral phenomenon and
it demands no price. Noble Armenian nation is ready to establish
diplomatic relations with Turkey despite the Genocide committed by the
Ottoman Empire. This should be the essence of talks," Khalatyan said,
Yerkramas newspaper reported.

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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