President Said We Believed And We Got Success

14:08 05/10/2009

President Serzh Sargsyan’s pan-Armenian tour to the Armenian
Communities of Diaspora is under way. The mission of President’s tour
is to discuss the ongoing processes of normalizing Armenian-Turkish
ties and the pre-signed protocols.

On his October 3 meeting with Armenians of USA Eastern shore and Canada
President said that institutions have been established to calculate
all the negative and positive elements of opening the border with
Turkey, he said that those activities are still being held and that
correspondent recommendations are made.

President noted that practically it’s impossible to calculate all the
rewards and risks, but stressed that Armenians of Artsakh, Diaspora
and Republic of Armenia have had such concerns when quite different
events were developing.

President reminded the events of fighting for Armenia’s independence,
the war for Artsakh liberation. He said that no calculation was made
those days, and that not all the risks were taken into account.

Concluding his New York meeting, President said: "The most important
is the ability to understand each other during this important period
of making decisions. I believe in good future of Armenia. I believe,
as I see the right way."