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Galust’s Master And Guarantee


12:44:55 – 07/10/2009

The fact that for Galust Sahakyan our compatriots in the Diaspora
who are holding protest actions against Serge Sargsyan are lees is
absolutely natural and regular. What else could our compatriots be
for Galust Sahakyan? They could not be considered national heroes,
source of wisdom or courageous people with super modern thinking. Our
compatriots from the Diaspora do not provide Galust Sahakyan with
the abundance of his route lines, they do not protect the businesses
of Galust Sahakyan, his relatives and friends from the law and from
any civil value. Of course, all those who dare to say a wrong word
in address of the guarantee of his well-being and security Serge
Sargsyan. So no one needs to get surprised or angry with Galust
Sahakyan that he considers the Armenians of the Diaspora complaining
from Serge Sargsyan lees.

Moreover, Serge Sargsyan is even able to reprove Galust Sahakyan
because of his not being so active in his defense among the
Diaspora. The point is that Galust Sahakyan had to be in France
before Serge Sargsyan to disperse all the protesting Diasporian
Armenians gathered near the Komitas statue with a piece of wood in
his hand. "What happened to Galust Sahakyan that instead of him
the police officers have to defend Serge Sargsyan- the guarantee
of Galust Sahakyan’s welfare and security in Paris? Are the French
police officers to be trusted? And what if they do not fulfill their
task as it would do the Armenian policemen or Galust Sahakyan himself?"

This is really a serious mistake and perhaps a real opportunity for
Galust Sahakyan to bring up the issue on Artur Baghdasaryan’s fault,
on whom once Galust Sahakyan picked much, in the Security Council and
to discuss the reason why Galust Sahakyan was sitting calmly in Yerevan
knowing that those protesting against Serge Sargsyan are lees. Though,
no one knows whether he was sitting calmly. Maybe Sahakyan was very
much worried maybe he even saw a nightmare in the previous night,
say, how crows were howling at the sun near the Eiffel tower. How
can he guess that the dream predicted those people gathered near
the Komitas statue and Serge Sargsyan, who is surely Galust’s sun,
appeared under the wave of their shouts.

But Serge Sargsyan will surely forgive Galust Sahakyan. And his
question will not be brought up in the Security Council because Artur
Baghdasaryan will also forgive him. So as the Diasporian Armenian
whom Galust Sahakyan called lees only because they protested against
the president will forgive him. He is ours, our Galust Sahakyan and
what he says, he says for our sake, for us to feel good. What can he
do if nothing good comes out from what he says?

Boshkezenian Garik:
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