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H. Abrahamyan Received Laily Moshiri


Wednesday, October 07

Today the speaker of the RA National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan received
Mrs. Laily Moshiri-Gilan the head of the Armenian office of UNICEF,
reports the public relations department of the RA NA.

The speaker pf the Armenian National Assembly attached importance to
the memorandum of "Mutual Understanding" signed between the RA NA and
UNICEF on July 7 2009, which outlined the fields of cooperation of
the sides. Mr. Abrahamyan informed that the RA NA is ready to deepen
more the cooperation of the UNO professional institutes.

Afterwards the sides discussed the possibilities of organizing
discussions concerning the rights of the children. Mrs. Moshiri
presented to Mr. Abrahamyan the projects being implemented in Armenia
by UNICEF particularly the examinations done in the sphere of the
rights protection of the children as well as pre-school education,
children health and food.

On the meeting was also present the Deputy of the RA NA speaker Arevik
Petrosyan. "Mutual Understanding", UNO professional institutes

Maghakian Mike:
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