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Second Expo-Russia Armenia To Be Held In Yerevan On October 29-31


Noyan Tapan
Oct 6, 2009

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 6, NOYAN TAPAN. More than 70 Russian companies are
expected to participate in the second Russian industrial exposition
Expo-Russia Armenia to be held at the Government House in Yerevan on
October 29-31.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan will open the exposition, whose aim
is to develop economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation
between Russia and Armenia and encourage joint business. New
technologies used in power engineering, machine building, metallurgy,
construction, motor-car industry, telecommunication, oil-and-gas
industry, nanotechnologies, and high-tech sector will be on display.

Among the participants will be such Russian companies as Russian
Railways OJSC, Mining Machines CJSC, Yaroslavl Electric Machine
Building Plant, Eldin OJSC, and the North Caucasian Aerogeodetic
Enterprise. The conference entitled "Russia-Armenia Economic
Cooperation", meetings with representatives of ministries and
departments, round tables, visits to major enterprises of Armenia
will take place during the exposition.

The exposition is being organized by Zarubezh-Expo OJSC and Multi
Group concern with the assistance of various ministries, departments
and branch unions of Russia and Armenia. More than 50 Russian and
Armenian mass media outlets are providing indormation support for
Expo-Russia Armenia.

The first Expo-Russia Armenia was held in Yerevan on October
31-November 2, 2008, with the participation of over 60 companies from
30 Russian regions.

Commodity turnover between the two countries is approaching 1 billion
dollars. Power engineering is the priority sector of bilateral
economic cooperation.

Nargizian David:
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