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Eiffel Tower To The Turkey’s Colors


Jean Eckian
06 Oct 09

Paris (Jean Eckian) Within the framework of the " Season of Turkey
in France" , the Eiffel Tower was illuminated, yesterday evening,
with the Turkish colors.

The Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations in France,
cancelled the picket line of protest envisaged today for the reason
of a exploitation by an anti Islamic movement and a french political
party of extreme right.

The illumination is maintained until at October 11.

Abdulah Gul: Facts of Armenian génocide are not established

Turkish President, Abdulah Gul opens with Nicolas Sarkozy, on Thursday,
the exhibition "From Byzantium to Istanbul" at the Grand Palais,
in the context of the Season Turkey in France against a backdrop of
tense relations between the two countries.

An journalist of the"Figaro" asked the Turkish president: To lead
to one complete normalization and the opening of the border, are you
ready to tackle of the Armenian genocide issue? "We wish establishment
of a historical commission to establish the facts."

For you, those are not established?

"Not, of course. These events took place hundred years ago. Admittedly,
there was tragic and deplorable sufferings, but of the mutual

Our objective is peace, stability and the co-operation in all this
area, for the future of our children", he answered to the French
jou rnalist.

Tavakalian Edgar:
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