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What The Republican Thinks


16:36:06 – 06/10/2009

Interviews By Arman Galoyan

On these days, the Armenians from the Diaspora welcome Serge
Sargsyan with "special warmth". Sargsyan’s visits and meetings are
accompanied by Diasporian protest actions demanding not to sign the
Armenian-Turkish protocols. The three Armenian traditional parties
of Lebanon- ARF Dashnaktsutyun, SDHK and RAK are going to welcome
Serge Sargsyan in Beirut with a big protest demonstration. We tried
to learn the opinions of the Republican members about these events
and asked them whether they are not concerned with such responses.

Lernik Arakelyan: Republican parliamentary member

Serge Sargsyan’s tour is accompanied by protest actions. Is the
Republican Party not worried with this fact?

I think those are not protest actions. But just people are expressing
their opinions. Of course, it worries us. I am personally worried
from the point that the policy of our country is wrongly perceived
within the Diaspora.

Naturally, those emotions are understandable, their romantics, but they
are not competent from the point of the republic and politics. The
aim of Serge Sargsyan’s visits is not only to explain the country’s
interests but also the country’s policy.

May we think that Serge Sargsyan’s tour is useless because just from
the beginning the opinion of the Diaspora was clear?

In any case, the opinion of the Armenians from Diaspora is
important. Of course, they are not deciding the policy of our country
but since the question is connected with the Armenian genocide, the
Hay Dat, the NKR issue, so their opinion becomes important. From this
point, Serge Sargsyan’s visit has a very important meaning.

Are you not afraid our link with the Diaspora will disappear?

I do not think it will. Maybe our relations with be tense from
political point of view but they will not disappear. Even if they
are tense, it will have only a temporary character.

Hamlet Harutunyan: parliamentary member from the Republican faction,
head of the Artsakh national union

Serge Sargsyan’s tour is accompanied by protest actions. Is the
Republican Party not worried with this fact?

It is not. But this is a question having different opinions. Of
course, we would like to have a joint, common stance on the issue
but especially within Armenians, it is difficult to have a common
opinion. This is a soft question.

Will Serge Sargsyan make conclusions from all this? Will he refrain
from his step?

Of course not. The geopolitical development will not let us make
such decision in this region, and refrain. These are processes to
be continued.

In this case, do his visits not become useless considering that he
will sign the protocols regardless everything.

Serge Sargsyan has to hold discussions with every course and has to
make a decision. He did good to go abroad to meet our compatriots.

But if he has already decided everything, it becomes aimless.

He has not decided anything, but only historical necessities dictate
everything, there is the term historical necessity that does not
depend on someone’s will but on the country’s interests.

And why not Robert Kocharyan but Serge Sargsyan managed to make
concrete steps in connection with this issue.

One succeeds the other no. Different political figures, in different
historical periods succeed or fail.

Shirak Torosyan: NA Republican faction, head of Javakhk national union

Serge Sargsyan’s tour is accompanied by protest actions. Did you
expect it?

It was somehow expectable because the Diaspora is the immediate result
of the Armenian genocide. The Diaspora preserved in itself ideas on
their homeland, return to homeland, and international recognition of
genocide. And the pre-signed protocols contain some risky elements
which worry the Diaspora. I think they are emotional. Whereas, there
is the relativity of country and homeland notions. And in connection
with border opening, there maybe concessions.

Will the Diaspora’s opinion make Serge Sargsyan refrain from his steps?

The Diaspora is not completely against. There are many figures within
the Diaspora who are for the opening of the border. Everyone wants to
open the border but the point is at what price it is being open. Serge
Sargsyan also stated that there are risky elements and that he is
worried too. But there is the country with its interests.

Will the connection with the Diaspora disappear after the signing of
the protocols?

I do not think such a thing is possible. After all, the connection
between the Diaspora and the motherland cannot disappear because
of one protocol. I think it is a religious, emotive and tangible
connection just from the point that each Armenian keeps in their
hearts their homeland.

Nadirian Emma:
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