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Draft Resolution For Recognition Of The Armenian Genocide Supported


Oct 7, 2009

YEREVAN, October 8. / ARKA /. Draft resolution providing for the
recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the U.S. Congress, has been
supported by 132 congressmen, the regional director of the Armenian
Assembly of America (AAA) in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh Arpi
Vardanyan said at a press conference Wednesday.

"Despite the fact that there are fears that the process of
normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations will suspend the process
of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, we see that
the process continues," Vardanyan said.

The legislative initiative was launched in the House of Representatives
by Congressmen Adam Schiff, George Radanovich, and the co-chairs of
the Armenian-US House of Representatives Frank Pallone and Mark Kirk.

Document has been preceded by resolution 106, which was adopted by
a majority vote of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in U.S. House of
Representatives of the 110-convocation.

Vardanyan expressed confidence that Turkey will be forced to recognize
the Genocide sooner or later.

"In this matter there is a progress in Turkey itself. The new
generation grows up already with the knowledge that the genocide had
happened," the regional director of AAA said.

Armenian genocide (1915-1923) was the first genocide committed in
XX century.

Turkey rejects the accusation of massacres and the killing of one
and a half million Armenians during World War I.

As a result of massacres and deportations about 1.5 million people
were killed, 350 thousands of Armenians fled to the Caucasus and Europe
and 150 thousand of the 2 million Armenians were left in Turkey living
there at the beginning of XX century.

The fact of the Armenian genocide is recognized by many countries,
particularly by Uruguay, Russia, France, Lithuania, 42 of the 50 U.S.

states, as well as by the parliaments of Greece, Cyprus, Argentina,
Belgium, Wales, National Council of Switzerland, Common House of
Canada, the Seym of Poland and lower house of Italian parliament.

Tigranian Ani:
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