Turks Pass To Karabakh


11:23:18 – 12/10/2009

After the singing of the Armenian-Turkish protocols, the Turkish
officials made a statement regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The
Turkish Prime Minister Erdoghan stated that the Armenian and Turkish
relations will not be normalized until the Karabakh conflict is not
settled. He said Turkey is loyal to its promise to Azerbaijan and until
the Azerbaijani territories are not liberated, Turkey cannot give a
positive answer in connection with its relations with Armenia. The
last word belongs to the Turkish parliament.

In turn, the Turkish Foreign Minister Davudoghlu said the protocols
are the peace project of Turkey. He said Turkey knows where it goes
and for what, and in order to establish peace in the region, the
Karabakh conflict must be settled. We did not leave Azerbaijan alone,
we mean the liberation of Azerbaijan territories, said Davudoghlu.

He said if the parliament ratifies the protocols, it will be the
start of diplomatic relations. Turkey recognizes Armenia until 1993,
in other words, before the "occupation of Azerbaijani lands", said
the Turkish Foreign Minister.

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry also issued a statement which reminds
the Turkish officials about their pledges that until the Azerbaijani
lands are not liberated, the border will not open. The Azerbaijani
Foreign Minister stated that establishment of relations without
the withdrawal of the Armenian troops contradicts the Azerbaijani
interests and shadows the spirit of brotherhood of the Azerbaijani
and Turkish nations. The Foreign Ministry stated that the unilateral
opening of the border will make questionable the peace in the region.
