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Haigazian University: Tribute To The Founders

Haigazian University
Mira Yardemian, Public Relations Director
Mexique Street, Kantari, Beirut
P.O.Box. 11-1748
Riad El Solh 1107 2090
Tel: 961-1-353010/1/2


Haidostian: Our ideal for all students and indeed for all of Lebanon is
to prepare givers.

Beirut, October 13, 2009- On October 12, 2009, Haigazian University paid
tribute to its Founders, during its Annual Founders’ Day celebration, in
the presence of the University President, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian,
Board members, faculty, staff, alumni, friends and students.

The ceremony started with the processional march, followed by the
Lebanese National Anthem, after which, Campus Minister, Rev. Greg
Lee-Parker offered the prayer of invocation.

Student Life Director, Antranik Dakessian presented the Student of the
Year, who traditionally is privileged to address the Haigazian community
on Founders’ Day. "The Student of the Year personifies the student who
has wisely combined both the academic and the co-curricular aspects of
university life and is at a good standing in those two spheres,"
Dakessian explained.

Student of the Year 2009, Vahan Yoghourdjian confidently invited the
students to adhere to their identity, nevertheless, tolerating and
accepting the differences of others. "Balancing these two harmoniously
would be the best", said Yoghourdjian. He encouraged fellow students to
get enrolled in the different extracurricular clubs of the University,
in order to improve their social skills, critical thinking, and
leadership proficiency. He also shared with them, how his personality
was shaped at Haigazian University, and how his overall value system was

Yoghourdjian concluded by saying that university life could be lived to
its utmost, by "properly using the tools and opportunities provided by
the university, thus, becoming fully accomplished leaders of the

After a short musical interlude, a piano and flute duet, "Canon" of
Pachelbel, skillfully performed by Araz Aitian and Talar Mandoyan
respectively, President Haidostian remembered the founders of Haigazian
University, paying tribute to their exceptional vision. "The fact
remains that the Armenian Missionary Association of America and the
Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East partnered
together and were supported by visionary individuals from Philadelphia
and Phoenix, Stephen Philibisoan and Steven Mehagian who funded the
project and led its board", Haidostian said.

In his inspiring speech, Haidostian reiterated the fact that "Haigazian
was born in a land of freedom, where education, creativity and the rich
exchange of culture and knowledge were encouraged."

In his translation of the University motto "Truth, Freedom and Service",
Haidostian highlighted three fundamental ingredients, "a big heart, a
creative mind, and a trained hand.

He concluded that the ideal for the students and indeed for all of
Lebanon is to prepare "givers". In this respect, he identified that,
"even though Lebanon is often seen as a receiving entity, recipient of
funds and goods and political decisions, we need to know that we are
called to and have the potential to give qualitatively to all people
around the globe".

Keynote guest, the Founder and Executive Director of CATHARSIS, the
Lebanese Center for Drama Therapy, talented actress Zeina Daccache
addressed the audience by expressing her pride and gratitude of being a
graduate student at Haigazian University, in Clinical Psychology.

As a drama therapist, Daccache shared with the audience her fulfilling
experience with forty prisoners at the Roumieh prison in Lebanon,.
Daccache recently produced and directed a theatrical work, where the
actors were the prisoners, with sentences varying from one year to death
sentence. She explained how her work has challenged her, by helping the
forgotten members of society, and turning their dead ends into positive

Daccache was chosen as the guest of the event, because her sense of
calling matches with Haigazian’s value system, in her case, "by using
her talent and passion for turning realities of hopelessness, isolation
and imprisonment to actions of love, development and teamwork," as
President Haidostian mentioned in his speech.

The program concluded with community singing the University’s Alma

Khoyetsian Rose:
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