Freedom From Georgian Dominance


05:54 pm | October 13, 2009


The opening of the Turkish-Armenian border will especially favor the
solution of issues facing Armenians of Javakhk, said president of the
"Javakhk" Patriotic Union Shirak Torosyan, adding that the alternative
roads will help Armenia become stronger.

"I definitely believe that we will get at least something out of this
and that is freedom from Georgian dominance. A considerable sector
of Armenians, the Armenians of Javakhk, will benefit from this,"
said Torosyan and added that whereas Armenia is forced to go along
with the illegal actions against the Armenians of Javakhk due to
dependence on Georgian roads, there will no longer be dependence
after the border opening.

Torosyan also believes that the realization of the signed bilateral
protocols will contribute to prevention of the emigration of Armenians
from the Armenian-populated territories. "Today we are trying to do
the same thing in a kind of virtual reality by trying to stand up for
the lands of Western Armenia; meanwhile, we are losing the Armenians
of Javakhk," said Torosyan.

Besides seeing the positive sides, the chairman of the "Javakhk"
Patriotic Union has certain concerns and sees risks in the
Turkey-Armenia Protocols. But he is still optimistic. "We must also
remember that we take risks in life as well."