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Hrant Dink Murder Suspects Acknowledge Weapon Used


2009/10/13 | 16:33


"I was going to kill a man. I was not going to a wedding
ceremony." Thus was the statement of Ogun Samast, the confessed
murderer of Hrant Dink, when he saw the gun presented before them
during the 11th trial of the case yesterday in an Istanbul Court.Yasin
Hayal, charged as a co-conspirator in the murder case also said,
"I acknowledge 100 percent that this is the gun."

Later Samast took the gun and looked at it. Samast said the gun he
used in the murder had had a problem in its safety lock and that the
gun he was holding in the courthouse had a similar problem. "It was
this gun," he said,

Meanwhile, Fethiye Cetin, the attorney for the Dink family,demanded
the court bring the files of two other important ongoing cases they
alleged to be connected to the Dink case. The first file is for the
Ergenekon gang, a group currently on trial for allegedly plotting to
topple the government by creating turmoil in society. The second file,
meanwhile, concerns the Zirve publishing house case, in which three
missionaries were killed in the southeastern city of Malatya.

Karagyozian Lena:
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