Categories: News

Sardarapat: New Movement


15:18:52 – 13/10/2009

Turkey is attributing symbolic course to its actions in the Armenian
and Turkish relations which is not accidental. The roadmap was
released on the eve of the genocide commemorative day, the pre-signed
protocols were released on the eve of the Artsakh independence day
and on October 10, 3 days before the signing of the Kars agreement,
the Armenian-Turkish protocols were signed, said the film director,
member of the Sardarapat movement Tigran Khzmalyan.

Armenia faces the question on preservation the national security. The
parties are not able to present Armenia’s interests. The superpowers
continue assisting Turkey in connection with the genocide issue
with their silence or indifference and support. According to Tigran
Khzmalyan, the situation is as it was during the battle of Sardarapat
and the answer should be the same.

According to another member of the movement, parliamentary member
Vardan Khachatryan the movement will be the way people’s will is. They
are going to setup the group which may unite the people. After,
a pan-national movement will start.

Chilingarian Babken:
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