Serge Sargsyan Did Not Have To Go


16:40:32 – 14/10/2009

According to the Head of the ARF NA faction Vahan Hovhannisyan,
Serge Sargsyan did not have to go to Turkey because the situation he
spoke about lacks today. "Serge Sargsyan stated that he will leave
for Turkey only if the border is open or evident to be opened. But
there is not such a situation because a number of Turkish officials
stated that the border will not be opened till the Karabakh issue is
not settled the way Azerbaijan wants. If our government wants to make
other concessions to open the border, it is their problem. But now
there is no ground", said Hovhannisyan. In Hovhannisyan’s opinion,
there is no prospect for the border opening.

Vahan Hovhannisyan dwelt also on the incident in Zurich when the
foreign ministers of both countries did not hold speeches despite
previous arrangements. "If I was in Zurich, and Turks wanted to issue
a disgusting statement for us, I would not oppose, but I would make
my own statement", he noted. In this case, according to Hovhannisyan,
everyone would know what the Turks think. While, according to him,
Armenians were told in Zurich to sign, so they signed.