Categories: News

The Statement Of The "New Times" Party


04:00 pm | October 13, 2009



On October 10, 2009 the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Turkey
signed clearly anti-Armenian Protocols. The signing ceremony took
place after a three-hour delay and the explanations for this delay
clearly show that the protocols are a result of serious pressure and
they include the three preconditions set forth by Turkey in 1993,
that is, the territorial integrity of Turkey and Azerbaijan, an end
to the process of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide
and a resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict favoring Azerbaijan.

The protests in Armenia and the Diaspora proved that Armenians are
against the anti-Armenian protocols and go to show our nation’s
resoluteness to confront all current and future challenges as a nation.

Reaffirming the fact that imposing the anti-national protocols on
the Armenian nation is the effect of the anti-national legislative
and executive administration’s actions, the "New Times" party states
the following:

In the current stage, Armenians in Armenia and the Diaspora must do
everything possible to not ratify these humiliating documents and put
an end to the subsequent attempt of world powers to turn Armenia and
all Armenians into a sacrifice

The processes taking place in the Republic of Armenia are very similar
to the logic of the destructive steps that were taken in Serbia and it
is definite that this clan-oligarch regime must be removed as soon as
possible. This can become a reality through the combined efforts of
different layers of society and as a result of the unified struggle
of political parties.

Starting on October 10, 2009, Armenians around the world must perceive
that only relying on themselves will they be able to confront the
challenges to be faced. We remind all world powers that the Armenian
nation has a history spanning 5,000 years, has survived in worse
conditions, has experienced genocide, has continued to shape the
Homeland and is now struggling for a Dignified and Fair Future.

"New Times" Political Party Board

Antonian Lara:
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