Turkish Analysts Disagreed On Issue Of Ratification


Wednesday, October 14

Turkish experts and analysts invited to today’s Yerevan-Ankara-Moscow
teleconference titled "A new geopolitical situation in East:
Armenian-Turkish reconciliation, issues and realities", disagreed on
views on signed in Zurich Armenian-Turkish pacts ratification.

"Turkey’s Parliament will not adopt the ratification waiting for
settlement of issue of Karabakh," such a statement made president
of Turkish Center for International Affairs and Strategic Analysis
Sinan Ogan. In his opinion, any settlement of Karabakh conflict is
not expected till 2010’s April.

"Our forecast is that any settlement of Karabakh conflict is not
expected till 2010’s April," he said noting that under normalize ties
Turkey’s society wants straight results.

"If issue of Karabakh is not resolved then Armenia-Turkey bilateral
border will not open," said Sinan Ogan. However, the analyst thinks
that in such scenario Turkey will face a challenge of choice: either
fully open the border, or face resolutions on Genocide recognition
from U.S. and other west-sitting countries.

"Both Turkey and region as well will face serious problems," said
Turkish expert mentioning that he had talks on ratification with dozen
of deputies and almost all of them repeat Prime Minister Erdogan’s
words that the ratification will not be adopted until any movement
in settlement of Karabakh conflict.

Another Turkish expert, Professor Huseyin Begdzhi, the vice-president
of Academy of European security, declared that Turkey’s Parliament
will adopt the ratification.

"Zeitgeist dictates it. Prime Minister Erdogan declared his political
will regarding to this problem’s solution, however, it’s impossible
to expect returning back," he said.