All Depends On Turkish Parliament

16:32 / 10/15/2009

The first stage of Armenia-Turkey normalization ended with RA
President’s visit to Turkey. The second is due after the Protocols’
ratification in the parliaments – which is not an easy task, deems
Dr. Ruben Safrastyan, Professor of Turkish Studies.

According to him, Armenia has made a go ahead in normalizing relations
with Turkey. As concerns the opening of the border, it depends on the
Turkish parliament’s decision — which is under the question. "Turkey
will try to pressurize Armenia during parliamentary ratification
of the documents," insists Safaryan. He maintains unblocking of the
border will change Turkey’s role in the region.

He inclines to the opinion that Turkey seeks to join EU and prevent
U.S. from recognizing Armenian Genocide. The expert underlines that
Turkey falls short of the integration which proves the way they
treated Armenians in Bursa. "Intolerance has grown in Turkish society
recently," he concludes.