Categories: News

"Apostasy In Zurich"


07:33 pm | October 14, 2009

"Apostasy in Zurich: I can give no other assessment," Coordinator of
the Armenian National Congress (HAK) Levon Zurabian said regarding
the Armenian-Turkish Protocols.

"This is a bargain by which Armenia admits its defeat on the Genocide
issue expecting an open border in return. The bargain is inadmissible
from the moral point of view."

"It means the border will be opened after the two parliaments ratify
the Protocols. But as you see Turkey links the ratification with the
Karabakh issue while Armenian leadership continues making concessions
in view of Karabakh," says HAK’s coordinator.

Zurabian believes that the president’s resignation is the only possible
way to avert the ratification.

"The country’s leadership has come up with an enormous plan to break
the pan-national resistance movement and they are trying to create a
fake opposition, with which they can control the people’s uprising,
said HAK coordinator Levon Zurabian, at the same time hinting that
ARF -Dashnaktsutiun’s protest against the Armenian-Turkish Protocols
is an example of such a revolt.

"Yes, today Dashnaktsutiun is acting according to the scenario
planned by the leadership. I see no criticism against the Protocols
in ARF-Dashnaktsutiun’s statement.

Regarding Serzh Sargsyan’s visit to Turkey and Turkey-Armenia football
match, Mr. Zurabian said: "Serzh Sargsyan will be honoured in Turkey
as no president has ever given such an enormous present to Turkey as
Serzh Sargsyan did."

Vardanian Garo:
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