‘Armenia Is Shaping Region’s Agenda’


Friday, October 16

"Yesterday’s "football diplomacy" is over and we stepped into new
phase of Armenian-Turkish relations," told journalists the secretary
of Republican Fraction Edward Sharmazanov.

The year brought significant development, he noted adding that
proactive policy of Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan provided the
situation that Armenia creates region’s agenda, shifting passive
position into active one, and this doesn’t violate our national and
state interests.

"Establishing Armenia-Turkey relations the President and authorities
support process without preconditions that reflect interests of
region’s states and our country’s first of all."

Edward Sharmazanov gave a positive assessment of the fact that
Armenia’s position has a value in U.S., Europe, and Russia, and called
President’s before-signing speech an historical.

"President clearly marked several important items sending clear
messages both to world and Armenian political and public sources."

According to Edward Sharmazanov, "Armenia is able to give an answer
to any Turkey’s non-constructive step." In this connection, the deputy
said, "Armenian side has no unilateral obligations."

"Protocols signed in Zurich show that Armenian side has clearly
defended Armenia’s interests, we saw there were no any appeared in
protocols changes. Everything is just as it should be."