Armenian Ads In Turkish Newspapers


05:40 pm | October 14, 2009

The boisterous handshaking of Presidents Abdullah Gul and Serzh
Sargsyan appeared on the front page of Turkish Hurriyet Daily.

Today an Armenian delegation headed by Serzh Sargsyan left for Bursa
to watch the Turkish-Armenian football match. The delegation will be
staying in the Almira Hotel.

The qualifying match is scheduled for 9:00 (local time), October 14.

There are different opinions on the venue of the match. Many say the
Bursa stadium was chosen deliberately as it is a long way from Istanbul
(about two hours’ drive). Others say the city is easy to control.

No Armenians live in Bursa which has a population of one million
while in the 18th century there were 90 000 Armenians living in the
city. Even a local textile factory was run by an Armenian. No Armenian
monuments have survived today.

Turkish Sabah newspaper devoted a whole page to the Turkey-Armenia
football match. The newspaper portrayed a ball with the flags of the
two countries and a note in English and Turkish: "One triumph for
two nations. That’s our wish!"

The ad was ordered by Zvartnots Airport, AKSOY, Fruitfull Armenia,
Armenian lands and Converse Bank.