Categories: News

Armenian Journalists Won Right Of Flag Waving


14:33 / 10/15/2009

October 14, Armenian journalists waved Armenian flag next to hundreds
of Turkish flags at Ataturk stadium in Bursa, that sparked off a
serious incident.

NEWS.am correspondent Andranik Ispiryan was present at the stadium
and told of the "hospitable" reception Armenian journalists met.

"As there were no Armenian flags at the stadium, the journalists
waved flag at the press box. One of the officials approached us and
stated that Armenian flag cannot be waved. I explained that as there
is no Armenian flags so far, as Armenians we have to stream the flag
being fans of teams," the reporter says, adding that the official
threatened he would have problems with police.

According to NEWS.am reporter, one of the Armenian football federation
members persuaded the journalists to hide the flag, however journalist
pressured the official.

NEWS.am correspondent also negotiated with Turkish federation
press secretary. Asked whether "they had obstacles when they were
in Armenia", Turkish official replied, "We were heartily met in
Armenia." Turkish press secretary held negotiations with his bosses
and allowed Armenian journalists to wave the flag.

October 14, Armenia-Turkey football match took place in Bursa. Armenian
and Turkish Presidents Serzh Sargsyan and Abdullah Gul were among
the spectators.

Kalantarian Kevo:
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