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As The EU Grows – Who’s Next?



The commission’s annual report on countries aspiring to EU membership
says Croatia has entered the final stage of accession negotiations. It
urges the country to pursue efforts to meet the EU’s conditions for
joining, particularly its fight against corruption and organised crime.

The Balkan nation of 4.4 million was on track to become the 28th EU
country in 2011. But a border dispute with EU member Slovenia stalled
talks for more than a year. The negotiations resumed recently after
the two countries agreed on a procedure for resolving the dispute.

Since last year’s report, three countries – Albania, Montenegro and
Iceland – have applied to join the 27-nation EU. Iceland cleared a
first hurdle soon after applying, when EU foreign ministers asked
the commission to evaluate the North Atlantic island’s suitability
for membership.

Albania and Montenegro join three other western Balkan nations as
potential members: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the former
Yugoslav republic of Macedonia (FYROM). On the whole the region
made progress towards integration with the EU despite the global
downturn. But much remains to be done.

The report says that the recent parliamentary elections in Albania
and Montenegro measured up to required standards, but both countries
still need to strengthen the rule of law. It recommends the EU
activate a provisional trade agreement with Serbia and urges Bosnia
and Herzegovina speed up key reforms.

Although their bid for membership still faces many hurdles, Serbia,
FYROM and Montenegro are expected to gain visa-free travel to the EU
in January.

Concerning Turkey, the report says the EU is encouraged by new momentum
for political reform. It also praises Turkey for resuming relations
with Armenia after a century of hostility and for efforts to end the
long conflict with Turkey’s Kurdish minority.

Kosovo, a former Serbian province that declared independence in
February 2008, is still in an ea ey policy areas for Kosovo to address
and ways the EU can help.

At present, only three countries – Croatia, Turkey and FYROM – have
been officially accepted as candidates for EU membership.

Topchian Jane:
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