Turkey Is Offended, Israeli Consul


15.10.2009 20:55 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Moti Amichai, Israel’s former Consul General in
Ankara, believes that recent developments in Turkey’s policy are caused
by fears that the country has lesschances for EU membership. Turkey
introduced its recent considerations in an October 15 meeting between
Israeli and British Foreign Ministers, which took place in Jerusalem.

An escalating tension is being observed in Jerusalem-Ankara relations,
especially after Turkey’s canceling NATO exercises which also envisaged
Israel’s participation.

The latest incident occurred when Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman
called acting Turkish Ambassador in Israel and voiced Jerusalem’s
protest against Turkish TV show which represented TSAKHAL as an army
of blood-thirsty murderers.

Amichai told British representatives that Turks were not absolutely
concerned by German Chancellor Angel Merkel and French President
Nicola Sarcozi’s objections to Turkey’s EU membership.

Another explanation to Turkey’s new political course concerned
high-ranking religious Muslims’ representation in Turkish army which
served as a kind of balance of powers, having secular leaders.

Amichai accounts for increasing Islamization and extending ties with
Syria by the fact that Erdogan Administration feels Turkish people’s
inability to act as mediators between Israelis, Palestinians and

"International community possesses enough tools of pressure to change
Tukey’s tendency," says a Jerusalem-based information source. "They
should be used for averting further escalations of tension,"
MIGnews.com reports.