Categories: News

Turkish Media Discusses Armenian Flag Incident


09:48 / 10/16/2009

Turkish media responded to the October 14 incident at the Bursa
stadium after Ataturk, when Armenian journalists were not allowed
to take their state flag to the stands. As it was informed earlier
NEWS.am correspondent eventually managed to do so.

Sonsayfa e-source informs Armenian flag was waved from the press box
and Armenian fans were loudly chanting to support their team. Turkey
Football Federation warned the fans that flags are not allowed from
the press box, however, Armenian side maintained they arrived to
support Armenian national team and by all means would do so.

Bianet Turkish e-source informs that discontented Turkish journalists
wanted to remove the flag, however, their Armenian counterparts still
kept it spread.

Yenicag paper (deemed to be pro-nationalist that of the so-called
"grey wolves") confirms that despite the official restriction,
Armenian flag was waved from the press box during the match.

The same information can be found in Dunyagazetesi based on Haber1
e-source, and in other papers.

As informed Oct. 14, Armenian journalists waved Armenian flag next to
hundreds of Turkish flags at Ataturk stadium in Bursa, that sparked
off a serious incident. The NEWS.am correspondent Andranik Ispiryan was
present at the stadium and told of the "hospitable" reception Armenian
journalists had. "As there were no Armenian flags at the stadium,
the journalists waved flag at the press box. One of the officials
approached us and stated that Armenian flag cannot be waved. I
explained that as there is no Armenian flags so far, as Armenians
we have to stream the flag being fans of teams," the reporter says,
adding that the official threatened he would have problems with police.

Vardapetian Ophelia:
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