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Vahan Hovhannisian Slams Armenian Delegation’s Behavior At Zurich


14.10.2009 17:59

The leader of the Republican Party faction in parliament has said
that they would wait until Turkey ratifies the protocols, and only
then Armenia would ratify them.

When asked to comment on this statement, ARF Bureau member Vahan
Hovhannisyan told a news conference today: "If Turkey wanted to make
a statement in Zurich, the Armenian delegation had to let them do so
and make their own statement and not go for an option that neither
side should make a statement."

He said that the Armenian delegation chose to keep silent because
they were afraid that the entire process would stall, which would
mean Turkey had hostile goals.

"The same is right for the Armenian parliament. If we have our own
position, it is not important what Turkey would decide. In terms of
tactics, I understand my Republican colleagues: they wish to somehow
offset the mistake that was made in Zurich," Hovhannisyan said.

Speaking of the municipality’s decision not to allow the ARF’s rally
scheduled for October 16, Hovhannisyan said that the decision is
not well-grounded.

He also commented on the Heritage party’s decision to demand President
Sargsyan’s resignation, saying that the two parties have united efforts
only in one area – the Armenian-Turkish relations. Other than that,
each party has its own agenda, Hovhannisyan said.

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