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‘We Are Armenians’: Second Phase Begins October 20


17:45 15.10.09

HAY TV station announced today that the second phase of the project
"We are Armenians" will begin on October 20.

The project aims to reveal the names of the most deserving Armenians
through pan-Armenian voting. The TV station advises that by visiting
site, everyone will have the opportunity to add to
the list of eminent Armenian figures in different spheres.

During the second round which runs from October 20 to November 20,
people will have the opportunity to chose 12 individuals out of the
first 100 candidates through online and SMS voting.

As a result, on November 20, the list of 12 individuals who received
the highest number of votes and moved on to the final round will
be announced.

In the third round, discussions on the 12 individuals who received the
most votes will be broadcast on television, which includes 13 episodes.

On November 26 at 8 pm, the first episode with the participation
of 12 specialists-speakers will be broadcast from a new studio on
the HAY TV channel, after which the episodes will be broadcast every
Thursday. Every episode will be devoted to one of the 12 individuals,
whom the corresponding speaker will present.

During the final (13th) episode, the speakers will analyze and
summarize the results of the public discussions, after which the name
of the most popular figure will be stated.

Karabekian Emil:
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