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Azerbaijani President: "We Surpass Them In All Respects"



Karabakh conflict

"Our country’s opportunities are increasing both in economic and
military spheres. At present, Azerbaijani army is the strongest in
the region. If we had had such a powerful army late 1980 and early
1990, Azerbaijani lands would not have been "occupied". The people
who were in power in Azerbaijan in late 1980s and early 1990s made
big mistakes. However, as soon as Heydar Aliyev took office, the
situation in Azerbaijan changed. Several territories were returned
and ceasefire was achieved", Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said
yesterday at a ceremony.

"During ceasefire, Azerbaijan was able to achieve great success,"
Aliyev said adding at present Azerbaijan’s economy cannot be compared
with that of Armenia.

"We surpass them in all respects. We have very broad political
opportunities. Our international positions are strong. Our economic
potential is higher several times. Regarding military strength, I
would like to stress again that Azerbaijani army is the strongest in
the region. We enhance our military strength. Indeed, it needs huge
funds. But we must do it as we live in war conditions. The war has
not finished yet. It’s first stage has been completed. We must be
ready to liberate our native lands from "occupiers" at any moment",
he said, according to an Azerbaijani news agency.

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