Sargsyan Secured Pretty Good Buy

13:20 / 10/17/2009

Armenian-Turkish relations arouse impassioned public attention even
in Taiwan, as well as Trinidad and Tobago.

Thai website Taiwan News commented on ARF Dashnaksutyun rally:
"More than 2,000 Armenians have demonstrated in the capital, Yerevan,
to protest plans to normalize relations with Turkey after a century
of enmity. Protesters urged parliament not to ratify the deal signed
last weekend, which would establish diplomatic ties with an eye toward
opening the border between the countries. Turkey closed the border in
1993 to protest Armenia’s war with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh,
a region in Azerbaijan that’s been controlled by Armenians since the
conflict. Armenians want Turkey to acknowledge what they call Genocide
in 1915," the article reads.

October 17, Trinidad & Tobago Express website published an article on
Armenian-Turkish relations, saying that the first mass massacres in
the beginning of 20th century were perpetrated in Turkey. "Armenians
all over the world insist that their ancestors who died in those
events were the victims of deliberate Genocide and that there can
be no reconciliation with the Turks until they admit their guilt,"
the article reads.

The daily comments on Diaspora reaction, "Unfortunately, their views
are quite different from those of the people who actually live in
Armenia. For most of those who are still in Armenia, getting the
Turkish border re-opened is a higher priority," the source reads.

Armenia-Turkey Protocols do not "require Armenia to give back the
Armenian- populated ‘parts of Azerbaijan’ so in practical terms
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has got a very good deal."