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Sargsyan observes final stage of the `Cooperation 2009′ mil exercise

President Sargsyan observed the final stage of the `Cooperation 2009′
military exercises

17.10.2009 13:32

The President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan observed at the Maribulak
military training field the final stage of the `Cooperation 2009′
military exercises conducted by the collective Rapid Response Force of
the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). The Military
exercises held in Kazakhstan on October 12-16 were first exercises
conducted after the establishment of Rapid Response Forces. At the
maneuvers in Kazakhstan Armenia was represented by 110 servicemen –
one military unit and line officers.

The exercises were aimed at the development of algorithms for the
interaction of the different divisions of the Rapid Response Force in
threatening situations and in combat, coordination of the activities
between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and military leadership of the host
country, as well as for the study of different tactics applied in
deployment of multinational force.

The CSTO Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Command Staff of the exercises
praised the participation of the Armenian troops in the exercises and
their combat readiness.

The final stage of the `Cooperation 2009′ military exercises was
observed by the Presidents of five CSTO member states – Armenia,
Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

The Heads of State gave high marks to the results of the exercises and
stressed once again that the establishment of Rapid Response Force
provided new meaning to the CSTO. The decision to establish Rapid
Response Force had been made in December 2008, during the unofficial
summit of the CSTO Heads of State in Borovoy resort, while the final
decision on the establishment of the Force was made in June 2009 in
Moscow, at the conclusion of Armenia’s presidency in the organization.
The primary task of the CSTO Rapid Response Force is to neutralize
aggression or threat of aggression against a country or countries of
the Organization through a rapid deployment of its multinational

This evening, after the conclusion of the military exercises, the
delegation headed by President Sargsyan returned to Yerevan.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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