TelAviv: Ministers to boycott Turkish Independence Day celebrations

Ynetnews, Israel
Oct 18 2009

Ministers to boycott Turkish Independence Day celebrations

Many government members invited to party at Turkish ambassador’s
residence later this month plan not to show up on backdrop of recent
tensions between countries, Ynet learns. Diaspora Minister Edelstein:
Turks are spitting in our face

Roni Sofer Published: 10.18.09, 19:58 / Israel News

Many government ministers who have been invited to celebrate Turkey’s
86th Independence Day later this month at the Turkish ambassador’s
residence in Kfar Shmaryahu, are planning to boycott the event on the
backdrop of recent tensions between Jerusalem and Ankara, Ynet has

There are those, however, who say that "we must not heat up the
atmosphere and add fuel to the fire."

Interior Minister Eli Yishai, who is slated to represent the
government at the event, is inclined to boycott it or, alternatively,
show up and deliver a scathing speech.

Tense Relations

Turkish president: ‘Brave criticism’ of Israel to continue / AFP

Abdullah Gül says his country will not keep silent when Jewish state
makes mistakes, but adds this is not likely to shake foundations of
bilateral relations between strategic allies
Full story

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman is not expected to arrive, while
Defense Minister Ehud Barak has yet to make a decision on the matter.
President Shimon Peres has refused to say whether he plans to accept
the Turkish Embassy’s invitation or not.

The event is schedule to take place on October 29. Many ministers have
wondered whether the invitation was a goodwill gesture on the part of
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government in a bid to
ease the tension, or whether it is simply routine diplomatic conduct,
which the ministers are considering boycotting in order to manifest
the Israeli government’s discontent with the Turkish attitude.

The recent crisis began last week, when Turkey decided to exclude
Israel from a joint air force drill, and continued with a Turkish TV
series showing Israeli soldiers deliberately killing Palestinian
children. On Friday, Turkey voted in favor of adopting the Goldstone
Report, which accuses Israel of committing war crimes in Gaza, at the
United Nations’ Human Rights Council.

Lieberman has yet to confirm his arrival, but his associates have said
he will not take part in the celebration. The foreign minister has
already boycotted an event organized by the Chinese Embassy, in
protest of the country’s vote at the Human Rights Council. Officials
at the Foreign Ministry have refused to comment on the matter.

Barak’s office said in a statement that the defense minister has yet
to make a decision on the matter.

Deputy Prime Minister Yishai, who is slated to be the senior Israeli
representative at the Turkish ambassador’s party, is inclined to pass
on the invitation on the backdrop of the series chain of events.
Another option he is considering is arriving at the ambassador’s
residence and criticizing Ankara’s rigid attitude towards the Israeli

Edelstein: Don’t go
Information and Diaspora Minister Yuli Edelstein, who has decided not
to accept the Turkish invitation, told Ynet, "It’s unthinkable that
they are spitting in our face and we are showing, ‘Rain, rain.’

"I have no plans to arrive and I hope my fellow ministers act the same
way. If the Turks wish to lower the flames, this is not the way to do
it. For example, they should have voted against adopting the Goldstone
Report by the UN Human Rights Council, but they chose to act
differently," he said.

"I have not heard the Turkish Embassy in Israel condemning the series
on their state-sponsored TV channel, which shows IDF soldiers shooting
children and babies," Edelstein said of the controversial television
program revealed by Ynet. "If the Turks seek to reach the European
Union, they must understand that they cannot dance on Israel’s back
together with Zimbabwe and Gabon," the minister added, saying his
conscience does not allow him to take part in the celebrations.

Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, on the other
hand, plans to arrive at the ambassador’s residence.

"Our relations with Turkey are strategic and we must maintain them at
any cost," he explained. "Of course I plan to take part in the event I
have been invited to. We must not heat up the atmosphere and add more
fuel to the fire.

"At such moments, the leadership’s duty is not to talk from the
stomach, but to take one step forward," said the minister, who has a
history of extensive ties with the Turkish authorities.

Hershkowitz: I won’t visit Turkey
Another minister who strongly opposes any official Israeli
participation in the Turkish celebration is Science and Technology
Minister Daniel Hershkowitz. "As long as the Turkish government fails
to condemn and even encourages the blood libels against IDF soldiers
and the State of Israel, I have no plans to visit Turkey or its
embassy in Israel," he said.

"The Turks’ history shows that they can learn about human rights from
Israel," Hershkowitz added, referring to the Armenian genocide.

Tourism Minister Stas Misezhnikov has not been invited to the event,
but said that Ankara must act firmly to prevent expressions of
incitement and anti-Semitism, as seen on the state-sponsored TV

"Such content inflames hatred and may encourage acts of violence and
terrorism by extremists against Israeli and Jewish targets," he added.
"This incitement has no room among countries with full diplomatic

The tourism minister said that he supports the consumer boycotts
against vacations in Turkey, but explained that Israel views Turkey as
an important element in the Middle Eastern arena, which could help
stabilize the region.

"Both sides have a strategic interest to maintain and strengthen this
system, and Israel will act accordingly, in accordance with Turkey’s
conduct," he concluded.

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