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VivaCell-MTS and partners present multi-language information panels

VivaCell-MTS and partners present multi-language information panels
telling about social and economic history of Armenian sector of Silk

2009-10-17 12:57:00

ArmInfo. VivaCell-MTS, in cooperation with the Armenian Monument
Awareness Project, a cultural NGO and the Ministry of Culture of
Armenia, presented today the Armenian, English, Russian, Italian and
French information panels telling about the details of social and
economic history of the Armenian sector of the Silk Road. It is also
planned to install panels with texts prepared by the Braille system,
VivaCell-MTS reported.

"This healthy initiative implemented for the second year in a row
reflects once again our belief. We believe that our history is our
valuable treasure and we need to educate our children how to value and
preserve. Today with the implementation of the Great Silk Road project
we are adding a new milestone on how better to cherish and highlight
our history. Being a Corporate responsible company, VivaCell-MTS is
lead by the belief that a person, who does not manage to find means to
help his country in any way, is at risk of losing his national
identity," VivaCell- MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian mentioned.

The Silk Road, the trade trail joining China to Asia Minor and Europe,
was used between the 2nd c. B.C. and 16th c. A.D. and has greatly
facilitated the development of economic and the cultural relations
between the nations of Asia and Europe. In a way, the caravanserais
located across that route served as guiding signs for the travelers.
One of them is the Selim caravanserai some 10 km to the north of the
village Aghnjadzor in Vayots Dzor region, built in 1332, in Armenia.

14 information panels indicating the Armenian sector of the Silk Road
will now on tell the passersby of the rich history of the locale. The
presentation was attended by citizens of China, India, Greece, Italy,
and many other nations, living in Armenia, – representing all those
countries that were actively involved in the trade and economic
relations of those times. The project is implemented in cooperation
with the Ministry of Culture and ICOMOS-Armenia NGO. The sponsors of
the project are VivaCell-MTS, the onorary Consul of Italy in Gyumri
and the USAID/CAPS. The Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin provides
continuous advice to the project.

Badalian Vardan:
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