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Address By Turkish FM Davutoghlu On Signing The Protocols Between Tu


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Oct 19 2009

Ahmet Davutoglu on the occasion of the signing ceremony of the
protocols between Turkey and Armenia

Madame Federal Counselor,

Distinguished Colleagues,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today we are here as Turkey and Armenia to take an important step in
embarking on a journey towards a new horizon of hope. This journey
is long. This journey is fraught with difficulties. However, it is
worth taking. This journey can only be made hand in hand with our
partners present here, as well as all the peoples of the Caucasus.

I consider myself to be fortunate enough to see that a vision, a
courageous step that has taken a considerable time to develop, has
finally reached maturity. Indeed, this is a historic moment that we
need to cherish and be proud of.

A few years ago there were those who did not believe that we could
ever reach this stage. Thanks to the good cooperation between the
Turkish and Armenian leadership we have proven them wrong.

Today we celebrate an important stage in the process of normalizing
relations between Turkey and Armenia.

initiative launched in the Autumn of 2007 that has made this ceremony
possible, has brought two neighbouring countries closer together.

At thishistoric juncture, I would like to make the following call
upon the Turkish and Armenian nations across the world and the
international community:

– let us lie without conflicts that affect the stability of our

– let us resolve issues and eradicate animosities.

– let us resolve all bilateral problems and achieve peace and harmony
among all nations in our region.

– let us help establish a new order that is beneficial for all.

– let us achieve a new perspective and shared vision for the Caucasus
that entails comprehensive normalization.

– let us have prosperity in our region. Our neighbours’ prosperity
is our prosperity.

– we had proposed the establishment of the Caucasus Stability and
Cooperation Platform for this reason. This was also the motivation
for our efforts in the Middle East and the Balkans.

– we all have responsibilities to achieve comprehensive peace,
including those present here today.

– we all know that achieving peace is not easy. Only the visionary and
courageous can take such steps under difficult circumstances. Turkey
and Armenia have taken this step.

Dear Friends,

Our host, Switzerland, competently assumed a very important and
constructive role in this process. I would like to express through
the Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Her
Excellency Madame Micheline Calmy-Rey, my sincere gratitude to Swiss
diplomacy for this invaluable contribution and her warm hospitality.

I would also like to thank those guests who are present at this
ceremony; our dear colleagues, Hillary, Sergey; Bernard, Samuel
and Javier. Your participation reflects the utmost importance and
significance of this event.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is not only a historic moment for the future of the relations
between Turkey and Armenia, but also between the Turkish and Armenian
peoples. The signatures we have placed on the Protocols today represent
a first step towards the effective normalization of our bilateral
relations. We genuinely believe that this process will be crowned
with success.

The normalization of relations between the two countries and peoples
will constitute an exemplary achievement of a new civilizational
policy, in line with the requirements and expectations of the 21st

The success of the normalization of our relations, no doubt, will
depend on the continuation of the courage and determined political
will displayed by the parties today. Turkey is ready to build with
her neighbor Armenia a common vision for the future.

We expect that this joint initiative which seeks to cultivate
compromise and good-neighborly relations will foster other
reconciliations and a culture of harmony and understanding in our
region. This is what we should do to shape the present and prepare
the future of our common region.

Distinguished Colleagues,

The documents that we have just signed create important ground for
the Turkish and Armenian peoples to rekindle their friendship, to
offer next generations the spirit of living and working together
towards a common and prosperous future.

These Protocols provide us opportunities that will serve the interests
of both Turkish and Armenian peoples. We look forward to working
together with Armenia in order to make the most of these opportunities.

Dear Colleagues and Distinguished Guests,

Turkish and Armenian peoples went through a very tragic period of
our common history.

This is the only way for these two great and dignified nations to
leave behind the conflict of their collective memories and reach
together a just memory.

It is an honour to sign these Protocols on behalf of the Republic of
Turkey. I hope they will pave the way for a wide normalization and
comprehensive peace in the region.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is the day for peace.

This is the day for courage.

This is the day for wisdom.

And, I truly believe that everybody in this hall shares this vision
of peace.

Thank you.

Turkishny.com / Ozel

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