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Azerbaijan Is Passing From Grudge To Threats


2009-10-19 17:14:00

ArmInfo. Azerbaijan seems to have overcome the deep shock and mortal
affront caused by the fact that Turkey has signed normalization
protocols with Armenia neglecting the interests of its "junior brother"
and to be now planning more radical measures.

Trend News reports that the Azerbaijani Parliament will debate the
protocols signed between Turkey and Armenia.

"I and my counterparts returning from the Turkey visit will put
forward proposals to prevent discussion of the signed protocols at
the Turkish Parliament," Member of the Azerbaijani Parliamentary
Security and Defense Committee, Zahid Oruj said on Oct. 19.

Oruj said that appeal to the Turkish Parliament will depend on the

"Azerbaijan is engaged in certain diplomatic activities. I believe
we can use different influence tools," the parliamentarian said.Oruj
added that they should not only discuss the policy pursued to repair
relations between Turkey and Armenia, but also the regional issues.

"We should determine profit and losses of Azerbaijan in these
processes, because Azerbaijan’s future is too important as a result
of a change in a power balance in the region. Exchange of opinions
should be held on this issue, as the parliament as a legislative body
is a branch of the government," the member of the committee stressed.

It should be noted that this is not the first open displeasure
expressed by Azerbaijan with respect to Turkey. The Azerbaijani
Foreign Ministry has appeared with notes of protests. In fact,
Azerbaijan has started a war against Turkish flags. It seems that the
"junior brother" has seriously rebelled and this is hardly the end.

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