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Lands Of Azerbaijan Sacred To Turkey, Turkish FM States


Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am
Oct 19 2009

The lands of Azerbaijan are as sacred as Turkish lands. Nothing will
change it, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu stated at a news
conference jointly with his Czech counterpart, commenting on the
removal of Turkish national flags from the "Shahid lane" in Baku.

The flag of Azerbaijan is as sacred to Turkey as its own national flag,
the Turkish Government-run radio Voice of Turkey reported, quoting the
Minister Davutoglu. He pointed out that the Nagorno-Karabakh problems
is an issue of national importance for Turkey as well. "The flags our
soldiers repose under are under the Azerbaijani people’s protection. We
are sure they will be treated with due respect," Davutoglu said.

NEWS.am points out the fact that, according to Azerbaijani mass media,
the Turkish national flags were taken off pursuant to top-ranking
officials’ order. It happened the day after President Ilham Aliyev
addressed the necessity for raising the prices for gas exported to
Turkey. As we can see, official Baku succeeded in getting Turkey’s
"trademark" declaration of love.

At a press conference today, the Turkish FM touched upon the tension
in the Turkish-Israeli relations. As regards the security of the Jews
in Turkey, he said: "They are our citizens, and we are responsible
for their security."

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