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Azerbaijani Parliament To Discuss Armenian-Turkish Protocols


Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am
Oct 20 2009

The parliament of Azerbaijan plans to discuss the Armenia-Turkish
Protocols, reported Trend News.

Zahid Oruj, who was member of the Azerbaijani delegation that
visited Turkey after the Protocols were signed, stated that the
Azeri parliamentarians "will propose steps to prevent the protocols
from being submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey." "The
Azerbaijani side is taking certain diplomatic actions. I think that
various levers of pressure can be used," Oruj said.

The Azeri parliamentarians that proposed the discussions paid a visit
to Turkey and held a meeting with Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who
comforted them by saying that there would be a long period between the
signing of the Protocols and reopening of the Armenian-Turkish border.

The Azerbaijani parliamentarians shared their "favorable impressions"
from their meeting with Erdogan. The Turkish Premier’s assurances,
however, failed to convince the Azerbaijani delegation, and the
country’s Parliament will hold hearings.

Nahapetian Lilit:
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