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Gul: Unacceptable To Occupy Lands


18:00:04 – 19/10/2009

In its efforts to normalize relations with Armenia, Turkey does not
have in mind its European Union accession bid but peace in the region,
said President Abdullah Gul in an interview with a French magazine.

Peace in the region will bring development and prosperity in return,
he believes In an interview with French magazine L’Express, President
Abdullah Gul said that if there was security in the Caucasus, there
could be stability, development and prosperity in the region.

Turkey and Armenia signed two protocols in Zurich on Oct. 10, aimed
to normalize relations between the two countries. U.S., Russian,
and European officials were also present at the signing. Gul said
there was no foreign pressure on Turkey to sign the protocols. "Our
policy is to bring stability and security to the region, maintain
good relations with our neighbors, and solve problems that were left
on the shelf. Having said that, we are grateful to those who helped
us establish this process."

Instead of international pressure, Gul said the driving force behind
the singing of the protocol was to bring stability and development
to the region.

"If security is introduced to the Caucasus, there will also be
stability and, hence, development and prosperity. The Cold War is
over. Everyone wants to satisfy his own people and take the path of
cooperation," said Gul. "Dormant wars can heat up any time. We have
seen this happen between Russia and Georgia. Issues in the Caucasus
should be resolved."

Gul said the border between Turkey and Armenia would open once the
protocols are approved by each country’s parliament and signed by the
foreign ministers. He said the process foresees normalization in all
fields and the project for peace, cooperation, and stabilization in
the Caucasus also includes Armenia.

Asked whether Turkey has made concessions in the protocols, Gul said
he did not want to think of it in these terms, as it would not bring
peace. "It is necessary to have long-term and broad vision."

He said he does not believe that the protocols freezing the
Nagorno-Karabakh issue are a concession on the part of Turkey. "The
fact that a country is occupying the territory of another country
is unacceptable. Therefore, that issue should be resolved through
dialogue," said Gul. He asked: "Why would Armenia and Azerbaijan not
be able to improve their relationship?"

Reminded that there have been reactions from the Armenian diaspora
against the protocols for "failing to mention" the events of 1915 and
asked whether he thought this would weaken the effect of the protocols,
Gul said: "It is not for me to rule on disputes among Armenians."

He said: "But I want to issue a call for cooperation. The Armenians
living in France are far from Armenia. If they want to lend their
support to the Armenians of Armenia, they must support the process."

Gul said dwelling constantly on the recollection of past hostilities
would not allow for peace and cooperation. "If we lived constantly on
the recollection of past hostilities, never would France and Germany
have reconciled. And Europe would not have advanced toward unity as
it has today."

Gul said there were different interpretations of the 1915 events. "But
we show our confidence in ourselves by opening our archives, including
military archives. Let a committee of historians, even experts of the
subject from third countries, work on this issue. We will recognize
its conclusions," said Gul.

He said Turkey did not have its European Union accession bid in mind
in its relations with Armenia. "While conducting our policy vis-a-vis
Armenia, we absolutely do not have the European Union in mind,"
said Gul. the Hurriat informs.

Chilingarian Babken:
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