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Kirk Challenges Obama Support For Historical Commission


/19/kirk-challenges-obama-support-for-historical-c ommission/
Oct 19th, 2009

WASHINGTON-Congressman Mark Kirk (R-IL), the Co-Chairman of the
Armenian Caucus, has sharply criticized the Obama Administration’s
support for the creation of an "official commission" on the Armenian
Genocide, an initiative long pursued by the Turkish government to cast
doubt on the settled history and thoroughly documented record of this
crime against humanity, reported the Armenian National Committee of
America (ANCA).

In a reference to the President’s many pledges to recognize the
Armenian Genocide and his record in the Senate calling for the full
and proper condemnation of this crime, Congressman Kirk stated that,
"Despite repeated pledges to recognize the Armenian Genocide, the State
Department now supports the establishment of an official commission to
review whether a genocide happened at all. The United States should be
leading the world in calling for recognition of the Armenian Genocide –
not supporting efforts to rewrite history."

Earlier this month, Congressman Kirk, who has emerged as a leading
contender for the Illinois Senate seat vacated by President Obama,
joined with his Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
and Armenian Genocide Resolution sponsors Adam Schiff (D-CA) and
George Radanovich (R-CA), on the eve of the October 10th signing of
controversial Turkey-Armenia Protocols, in describing the establishment
of a historical commission as "a thoroughly discredited idea."

The four legislators stressed that, "Turkey cannot be allowed to
re-invent this tragic part of its history as a price for normal
relations with Armenia. To do so means acquiescence in a charade that
demeans the memory of so many victims."

Zaminian Bedik:
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