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Nobel Prize To Armenia

Anush Sedrakyan

14:08:17 – 19/10/2009

Barack Obama was awarded a Nobel Prize for his obvious activities
aimed at spreading peace. Barack Obama’s unprecedented charm helps him
in everything and especially it does not let those curious ask why
right Barack Obama? Norway awarded one American president Roosevelt
with Peace Nobel Prize for preventing the Japanese aggression. We may
draw a parallel between the Nobel prizes given to Gorbachev and Obama.

One thing connects them: the European world thanked Gorbachev for the
fact that the Soviet Union stopped being a potential danger for the
civilized Europe. Then, Europe and America were more united because
both were aimed at preventing the possible Soviet aggression. At
that time, for Europe, America was some kind of liberator, to be
short a country which defended the European stability from Russian

George Bush came to shift this political concept. The most unpredicted
country in the region became the U.S. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, secret
jails, anti-terrorism struggle; all this expanded the scale of the
Western superpower and made more the factor of mistake, adventurism and
risk. The stable Europe during George Bush tenure was always afraid
of being involved in some adventurism which would be entitled "save
humanity from terrorism" or say "the third coming of the Savior". The
title does not count in this case. The Euro-American united policy
brought about the death of the European contingent in Iraq, and the
rinsing complaints within the publics in connection with enhancing
expenditure. Fortunately, unlike Roosevelt, Bush was not to be elected
forever and when Barack Obama appeared on the stage, the European high
policy was more afraid of the political flights of its ally the U.S.

than of the stable political line of its rival Russia. This Nobel
Prize is am expression of thank to Barack Obama for being measured,
stable and predictable and maybe for having the most attractive smile
among all the presidents of the world.

>From this point, our country pretends all the possible Nobel Prizes
of the world. We are stable, predictable and lately we have even made
such steps to open the Armenian-Turkish border without being afraid
of the threats and hunger strikes of our nationalists. We never
interfere in global politics, we do not make unnecessary statements
and do not impede anyone’s plans. Though we also send troops to Iraq,
but we do it only when necessary.

On the ground of the above-mentioned factors, we demand the next Nobel
Prize to be given to Armenia otherwise this prize will come out to be
given to the U.S. only for the splendid smile which is not just. Few
can smile like him.

Karabekian Emil:
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