UN Checks Azerbaijan’s Provocations


Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am
Oct 20 2009

Azerbaijan’s representative was interrupted during his speech at a
meeting of the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs Committee,
commonly referred to as the "Third Committee", of the UN General
Assembly. Even at the discussion of the problem of children’s rights,
the Azeri representative attempted to resort to anti-Armenian rhetoric,
mentioning "occupied territories, refugees, children-soldiers and
Khojala massacre." The Chairman, however, run out of his patience
and interrupted the Azeri delegate.

In his turn, the Armenian representative pointed out that Azerbaijani
delegates try to use any platform for anti-Armenian propaganda. In his
speech he elaborated on Azerbaijan’s aggression against the peaceful
Armenian population both in Azerbaijan itself and in Nagorno-Karabakh.

As result, hundreds of thousands of refugees became refugees, tens
of thousands of children lost their parents and were disabled.
From: Baghdasarian