When They Send To Hell

Hakob Badalyan

17:35:53 – 19/10/2009

The relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey are really developing
in an interesting way. These two countries even seem for a second
to be dissatisfied with each other. In other words, Turkey does
not seem to be dissatisfied yet but it seems to be resisting the
Azerbaijani steps when for example they burn the photos of the Turkish
high-ranking officials. The Turkish patience seems to be finishing as
the Azerbaijani ambassador was invited to the Turkish foreign ministry.

But, overall, Turkey is still patient and tries to persuade Azerbaijan
that the Turkish relations with Armenia are not harming it and Turkey
does not leave out of account the Azerbaijani interests in these
relations. Everything arrived at the point that even the Kazakhstan
president Nursultan Nazarbaev tries to convince Azerbaijan saying
that the Armenian and Turkish relations have to be just explained
to Azerbaijan.

In other words, they come out to accuse Azerbaijan not directly but
anyway, it is accused of not understanding. Interestingly, what does
Azerbaijan not understand in the Armenia and Turkish process? It does
not understand that it does not have any chance to get use of those
relations, does not understand that time will come it will also get
use, just all this is not voiced for Armenia not to withdraw. Anyway,
if even Nazarbaev decided to dwell on this topic this will mean that
the Armenian and Turkish process is in reality a very wide project
which even interests Kazakhstan which far from the Armenian and
Turkish border.

In this case, it seems quite impossible that the Armenian and Turkish
relations concern Kazakhstan but not Karabakh. In this case, Azerbaijan
seems to be having to understand and stay calm as everything will soon
approach Karabakh. But Azerbaijan is showing signs of worry. What is
the problem? Maybe Azerbaijan realizes very well the essence of the
process and is just trying to enhance its role by complaining. And
the fact that in answer to its complaint Azerbaijan is not sent to
hell but is tried to be explained something proves that his role may
really enhance. In other words, staying calm in connection with the
Armenian and Turkish relations, Azerbaijan may be given a card-blanch
in other issues. And the more Azerbaijan complains the more it is
possible to get the card-blanch. This is perhaps the strategy Aliyev
is carrying out.

This is of course risky because you never know at what level of protest
you will get burned. In other words, you are unable to say at what
level the world will try to agree and at what level it will send
Azerbaijan to hell. So, Aliyev’s complaint is obvious to terminate
at some point. The problem is what Aliyev will be given in this result.

He will be given very much or will lose everything.

But, on the other hand, it is possible that the world gave to Aliyev
the possibility to be the president forever with advance. Maybe he was
let this thing for him when the time comes to understand the nuances
of the "Armenian and Turkish" process. The point is that Azerbaijan
is almost doing what Armenia had to do if not in the same measure but
with the same logic. Azerbaijan is not trying to yield in front of the
present process, to let being treated the way they like. Azerbaijan
tries to oppose some things expecting to get more than possible
because maybe it understands that the minimal will be unlike its will.

The same cannot be said about Armenia. Armenia completely abandoned
itself to the "Armenian-Turkish process" and contented with the 30
percent which is said to be the economic interest. The rest does not
seem to bother the Armenian government and the government does not
even try to enhance its role in the process by voicing its concern.

Armenia is ready to be happy with the goal in its net just to be
assessed as a new thinker, and active.

Naturally, the world will not see any need to explain anything to
Armenia. What you have to explain to a country when it is ready to
do what it is said without understanding. This is the reason why the
name of Azerbaijan which "does not exist" in the process is as much
mentioned and maybe more as the name of the "direct participant"
of the process Armenia.
