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Protocols Debated In Karabakh


Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am
Oct 21 2009

Debates on "Signing of Armenia-Turkey Protocols and their Effect on
Karabakh Peace Process" were organized by NKR "Helsinki Initiative —
92" Committee in Stepanakert House of Peace.

Representatives of Karabakhi political structures, NGOs, students,
professors and journalists participated.

The participants hold unanimous opinion that Armenia-Turkey
reconciliation should not progress at the expense of denial of
Armenian Genocide recognition by Turkey and NKR as an international
legal entity. Debaters appraised the Karabakh issue as a direct
consequence of Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey.

They stated that the Protocols’ signing jeopardizes unity of Armenian
nation and called all Armenians to unite in the face danger, entailed
by the possible realization of documents.

The NKC "Helsinki Initiative-92" Coordinator Karen Ohanjanyan
summed up the debates saying the public is concerned over the signed
Protocols. He insists Armenian nation should unite to face the emerging
challenges, and be consistent with Genocide recognition and NKR’s
independence in the light of Armenia-Turkey rapprochement.

Hovhannisian John:
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