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Turkish Parliament Considers Protocols


05:15 pm | October 21, 2009


Turkey’s Mejlis (parliament) today launched discussions on the
Armenian-Turkish Protocols signed in Zurich on October 10.

In his addressing speech Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu
presented to the Turkish parliament the contents of the Protocols on
establishing diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey and on
the opening of Armenian-Turkish border.

Representatives of parliamentary parties are expected to express
their opinions on the documents.

Following the ratification of the Protocols, the documents will be
forwarded to the Turkish Parliament’s Foreign Relations Commission
and later to the Supreme Council.

Turkey’s parliament has 544 MPs most of them representing the ruling
party "Justice and Development" headed by PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Armenia’s National Assembly (parliament) will discuss the Protocols
after they are ratified by Turkey’s parliament.

Note that today the Presidents of Turkey and Azerbaijan, Abdullah
Gul and Ilham Aliyev, had a telephone conversation.

Gul presented the details of his talks with U.S. and Russian Presidents
in the context of establishing security in South Caucasus.

The interlocutors agreed that Turkey and Azerbaijan have no

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