Turkish Parliament Criticized RA-Turkish Protocols


22.10.2009 18:44 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Political forces represented in Turkish Grand
National Assembly have strongly criticized recently signed Protocols
on normalization of Armenian-Turkish ties. FM Ahmet Davutoglu’s speech
was followed by parliamentarians’ objections.

"Armenia’s national security strategy treats Turkish-Azerbaijani
alliance as the greatest threat. Their goal was to undermine the
alliance, and they succeeded in their efforts. Protocols were of
no use for us, but we do see the real harm – the problem of flags
and increased prices on gas," said MP Canan Aritman from Republican
People’s Party (CHP).

Å~^ukru Elekdag, a retired ambassador from the CHP, reminded MPs
that despite existing guarantees, Protocols would not be submitted
to Parliament unless Karabakh conflict was settled. "There are two
factors underlying the current Azerbaijani-Turkish crisis – loss of
Turkey’s trust of Azerbaijan and campaign against Azerbaijani flag.

Protocols signed with Armenia pose serious threat to Turkey’s national
interests, since official Yerevan’s territorial claims are clearly
worded in Armenia’s Declaration of Independence," he stressed.

Oktay Vural, member of Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) said that
Armenian Genocide issue continued to remain as a priority task
in Armenia’s foreign policy agenda, and the country continued the
"occupation" of Azerbaijani lands. In that regard, he reiterated his
party’s position on the issue, i.e. unless Armenia renounces it policy,
no diplomatic ties will be possible, and border will not open only
after resolving Karabakh issue," said Turkish parliamentarian.

Armenian-Turkish problem has been the principal issue over the
course of the existence of Turkish Republic, Selahattin DemirtaÅ~_,
from the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party told yesterday’s Grand
National Assembly session. "We support Protocols and are convinced
that discussions over Armenian issue will be useful for Turkey. The
massacres against Armenians was not put into history books. The phrase
‘son of Armenian’ is still perceived as curse in this country. While
compiling textbooks in Turkey it is necessary to avoid discriminatory
attitude," DemirtaÅ~_ said adding that Turkish government had not
yet taken any measures to eradicate continuing hostilities against