ARFD Gets Ready For Change Of Power

Oct 23 2009

Armenia-Turkey Protocols’ ratification in RA Parliament will incite
ARF Dashnaktsutyun to start the struggle against ruling regime,
ARFD member Armen Rustamyan stated at the press conference.

"ARFD’s struggle against the Protocols can smoothly escalate into
struggle for the change of power," he said. Rustamyan underlined
that Dashnaktsutyun overtures new platform comprising of party’s
traditional stance on social and national-democratic issues, as well
as preparation for the upcoming elections. ARFD has its positions on
parliamentary election system unchanged and party members insist on
conversion to fully proportional system, reduction of parliamentary
seats and elimination of deputy immunity.

The document also mentions the necessity of anti-corruption body
creation to be headed by the oppositionist. The ARFD members also
persist in appointment of Central Electoral Commission chair by
National Assembly. Rustamyan emphasized that the platform implies
the ARFD’s preparation to the change of power.

Commenting on Armenian-Turkish relations, Rustamyan stated that
Armenia and Turkey were pressurized by those behind them during the
signing ceremony in Zurich. He outlined that the Protocols will be
ratified by Turkish Parliament, as Ankara has no reasons of acting
otherwise. "Turkey got desired and currently came to grips with
Azerbaijan challenges," Rustamyan concluded.