Armenia, Turkey Interpret Protocols Differently


Oct 23 2009

The Armenian Parliament must not ratify the Armenian-Turkish Protocols,
as the sides interpret them in different ways, Giro Manoyan, Head of
the Hay Dat (Armenian Cause) Central Office, Armenian Revolutionary
Federation Dashnaktsutyun (ARFD), told a press conference. According
to the Armenian side, the Armenian Genocide will not be discussed,
whereas the Turkish side states the subcommittee to be formed under
the Protocols is supposed to hold a joint discussion of the problem.

Manoyan is sure that Turkey will not ratify the Protocols in the
near future – it will delay the process under new pretexts. "The same
happened with the publication of the Protocols. They had been prepared
but shelved from April 22 to August 31. It was not until Turkey
fixed the day that they were published," Manoyan said. He pointed
out Ankara needs to regularly show activity in the Armenia-Turkey
normalization process.

Manoyan does not rule out Turkey’s ratifying the Protocols if Turkey
and Azerbaijan agree on the fundamental principles of settling the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict before.