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Presidents Of Armenia And Karabakh Observe Exercises Of Military Uni


2009-10-23 12:33:00

ArmInfo. The President of the Republic of Armenia, Commander- in-Chief
Serzh Sargsyan continues his working visit to the defense positions
of our country and the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

Accompanied by the President of the NKR Bako Sahakian, RA Minister of
Defense Seyran Ohanian and highest military ranks, President Serzh
Sargsyan visited defense positions of Armenian troops. President
Sargsyan observed changing of the guard, attended military exercises
in two army units and made the observation of the defense area. Later,
the Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanian summed up the results of the
exercises and gave instructions to the commanding staff.

After the military exercises, President Serzh Sargsyan laid a wreath
at the monument of the National Hero of Armenia Monte Melkonian (Avo).

At the conclusion of his visit, President Sargsyan conducted a working
meeting in Stepanakert on social and economic development of Artsakh
with the participation of the Republic’s leadership. Serzh Sargsyan
also answered the questions of a journalist from Artsakh Public TV.

"Visits such as this one, are intended to follow the progress on the
defense positions and in the army units, to follow the implementation
of the current tasks or those that the army was assigned with during
the previous visits. I do not believe it is possible to speak about the
combat readiness of the troops, or about the morals and the existing
psychological atmosphere while strolling on the carpet floors of a
study room. I attach utmost importance to these visits. This visit
differs from the others by the fact that it was made right after
the random check up conducted by the Military Inspection in one of
the army units. The check up revealed that that particular unit was
combat ready; it comprises a number of subunits which know their job
perfectly well. There are units which got excellent marks; there were
also those which got good marks. It testifies to the fact that we
have well-trained soldiers, knowledgeable commanding staff and our
troops are combat ready. I believe, right now our armed forces are
going through the development phase. They established themselves long
ago and we do have combat ready troops, unlike some countries of the
region which have just groups of armed men. These are two different
things. State of our combat units, their equipment, combat spirit
and the existing moral and psychological environment allow to state
unequivocally that at this time our troops are ready to carry out
any task assigned to them. My visits are months apart while changes
in the armed forces take place every day, every month, and it is of
course very pleasing," the president said.

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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