"S.Sargsyan’s Address Translated Into Different Languages


Oct 23 2009

Today the ARF Armenian Case Burro and the office of the head of the
political issues Giro Manoyan on the meeting with the journalists
touched upon the international press publications. It says that
many prominent journals hesitate using the "Armenian Genocide" word
combination and instead use it with "Big Massacres".

"After signing the protocols the American "Washington Post" wrote in
its editorial that the Armenian – American community has been divided
into two parts; one sees no concessions in the Genocide issue, the
other one on the contrary", – G. Manoyan informed and added that this
kind of examples are a lot.

According to G. Manoyan the protocols are being used by those
frameworks which, for some interests, were not with the recognition
of the Genocide." According to him they say that the "the protocols,
even not ratified are facts that Armenia too puts the Genocide issue
under question."

For correcting the developed situation G. Manoyan attached importance
to the "active work" realized by the foreign ministry, diplomacy and
embassies. In this concern he separated the necessity of translation
into different languages the RA President Serzh Sargsyan’s address
of October 10.

"The previously prominent journals didn’t put the under doubt the
issue of the Genocide today a tendency is noticed which can take to
another direction. For that reason the Armenian diplomacy should become
more active, and to explain that the protocols are not a subject for
discussion or argument for Armenia", – summed up G. Manoyan.